
Showing posts from December, 2022

Art Progress

     2022: Art Progress    As the year is almost close to an end, I would like to take a moment to look back at times  where I have made promising progress in my art and a few small milestones I have reached   to come this far. I have been drawing since I was 16 as a hobby and these 4 years of my art journey have  been truly marvelous.  I still remember how I used to struggle while holding the pencil just about the correct angle and making precise strokes to form an image of characters I used to admire. My main art style focused on creating characters from different shows I used to watch and altering the style and structure of the whole character design.  Although, the results often turned out pretty bad, as expected, since I was just a beginner. However, the unsatisfactory outcome did not stop me from drawing more characters. It only kept me motivated to practice more and more, overcome mistakes, and improve my art style.  Then came in my life some of the biggest well-known artists wh


  Every particle in this world wants to live in equilibrium with each other.   Again, the chemical reactions want to be in equilibrium.   So everything has a natural law and this natural law is to remain in equilibrium.   So in the case of humans, it is certainly the natural order to be in equilibrium and we consider it to be natural and peaceful.   But what do we humans do?   What do we actually mean by equilibrium?   Let us talk about some examples.   What should be done to bring balance between a weak person and another powerful person?   The weak man should be given a little more power.   Only then will the balance come.   But what people normally do is they give more power to the powerful and put down the weaker as much as possible.   Is it really a equilibrium? A teacher always appreciate the first boy of a class but actually who needs support ?   The weak one I guess, the weak students should need more support. But maximum times, we see that the weak students are shy, introvert.

Human Relationship

There are many forms of human relationships. Relations between the members of a family, two persons who are in love, and between teacher and student are all different varieties of relationships. Firstly, in a family, all the members try to help each other. If one of them is in trouble another person comes forward to help out. From ancient times, people tried to survive natural calamities and food shortages by accommodating each other. Family bonding is mainly important for children to grow as good human beings. The affection and care of the family members help them to develop mental stability for their future life. Love and romanticism have a special place in human society. Especially during puberty, two people fall in love and develop a romantic relationship which sometimes leads to marriage. The couple then gives birth to beautiful children and devotes their lives to raising them. Another holy relationship is seen between a teacher and a student. A teacher helps a child to find their

How Important Is Self Defense For Women?

Self-defense is the use of force to counter an immediate threat of brutality; an act of defending oneself. As we live in a society, we must have the liberty to live safe and sound. The chance to fulfill such needs are everyone's rights. The use of physical force to counter a personal attack or an attack of violence can be classified in two ways – armed and unarmed. But even though the world is moving forwards, barbaric behavior is not something that has completely gone six feet under. The possibility of getting molested and harmed is immense. The United Nations passed the "Charter of Human rights" on 10 December 1948, approving rights for people all over the world. But the way women are mistreated in the streets, or even in their own house, does this still pass? Or this rule does not apply for women kind? The first rule of self-defense is avoidance. A person should avoid placing herself in a situation so that the attack can be avoided. Nowadays, self defense has become a

Old Dhaka - The city of puzzle

 Most of us don't paint a very pleasant picture of the city of Dhaka when we think of it. After all, how can we think highly of a city, commuting from one place to another in which gulps down most parts of our days, and of our lives thanks to it's sickening traffic? But I nonetheless do. After all, this is the city I was born and raised, and continue to live and breathe and get on with life in. Though I like all the areas of my dearest Dhaka, it is Old Dhaka in particular that fascinates me, that makes me feel connected with the history and lineage of this menacing metropolis. Shakharibazar, Banglabazar, Lalbagh, Hazaribagh, Armanitola - the very names of these neighbourhoods reminds us of tight, congested streets and narrow roads occupied by rickshaws on both sides. And yet each of these neighbourhoods have a story of their own, stories like no other. The neighbourhood of Shankharibazar itself is a world of it's own. It is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka, which stretc

Psychological effects of technology, which everyone should be aware of

We live in the age of the network society. Now, what does that actually mean? It is a society with no spatial barriers where the world has become a global village. The Internet, mainly social media networks remove the orthodox limits of social communication. We are constantly connected, plugged in, and available offline. With this change in society where individuals are connected continuously arise many questions regarding our health and happiness. So, how does technology affect our lives? The Internet provides us with the opportunity of accessing vast amounts of knowledge with minimum effort. With so much information at our fingertips, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of websites, social media posts, and videos. It is quite possible that the internet could be a dangerous place. For some people, this online overload can cause cognitive disorders and other mental health issues. According to a survey, the biggest negative effect of technology is psychological issues which are faced by 50%

Bionic eye! But can the blind see?

I n the 21st Century,  Mark Humayun , a professor of ophthalmology and Biomedical engineering in the University of Southern California of Los Angeles, has developed the bionic eye to restore vision to many blind people. Through the process of merging medical science and engineering, this invention is a miracle for people suffering from hereditary retinal deteriorating diseases that results in blindness at an old age. Bionic Eye  B ionic E ye is an artificially made eye that provides visual impressions to the brain. It consists of microprocessor, receivers, radio transmitters, retinal chips as well as an electronic system that has image sensors. In the present world, it is estimated that almost 40 to 45 million people are suffering from blindness and almost 135 million suffer from low visions. The motive of bionic eye is to restore visual signal for those who are suffering from various eye diseases.  The bionic eye has a computer chip that is placed in the back of an effected person&#
                               The art of Multi-tasking When someone is engaged in numerous tasks at once, it is known as multitasking, and it effectively increases productivity while more effectively utilizing time and resources. Many professions demand strong multitasking abilities. There are many benefits of multitasking. Firstly, it saves time. It helps one's to reach their goal more quickly. By completing several tasks at once one's can have some additional time for hobbies or doing any favorite things. It also helps one's from being boring . Secondly, multitasking can stimulate creativity. The ability to shift concentration between tasks comes through training. It helps greater problems focusing on important and complicated tasks, memory impairment of new subject matter. Lastly, multitasking encourages consistent work development. Being quicker and more efficient throughout the working day increases one's performance and the number of tasks completed. Multitasking

Sequential Art & Telling A Story Without Words

Stories are something we all enjoy, whether we are the tellers or the listeners. And stories, as we all know contain words and sentences. But the method of storytelling is not limited by the mechanics of language, rather stories often require no words at all! So you might be thinking, "But how do you tell a story in another way? It's impossible!" And the answer to that , dear reader, is pictures, but more specifically sequential art . Image 1: A page from the manga "Death Note". So what is sequential art? Sequential art is any kind of art form where pictures and images are shown in a specific order for the purpose of telling a story. For example comics, manga, animations are all forms of art which make use of sequential storytelling and as such are known as sequential art. The term "sequential art" was coined by Will Eisner, the renowned comic artist in 1986 in his book Comics and Sequential Art . Image 2: A page from the manga "Naruto" dep

Animal Abuse - When Cruelty is Reality

"Animals will have to assume that humans don't think, as long as humans think that animals don't feel." Animal abuse is mistreating animals with cruelty or violence. Animals get abused in so many ways daily. Such as accidents, physical violence, not helping them with food, neglect, shooting, mutilation, throwing, stabbing, etc. Animals are as important as humans in this world. They add so many beneficial works in the world, which is also very important for human beings. They also can be our forever best friends. Animals can give us company like nobody else. There are so many people who love animals but there are some people who used to mistreat animals for no reason. Sometimes they intentionally harm or kill animals. Some also hurt them for their own benefit like earning money. But there is so much unintentional and intentional harm also caused by human beings to animals. Killing or Injuring Animals by Accidents: Around 10 Million animals get killed or inj ured by ro

The Impacts of 'Hallyu'

Since the 2010s, Korean pop culture has been on the rise in Bangladesh. In the year 2016, like many of my classmates, I had just discovered Korean songs, dramas, and movies. Although I was skeptical at first, I soon found myself entranced by Korean culture. BTS's early songs, which spoke up for rebellious teenagers who didn't want their ambitions to be dashed by society, drew me into the K-POP scene. I’m not a teenager anymore but neither are they. These days, their songs deal with issues such as self-love, mental health, women's empowerment, capitalism, being lost in life, or simply having a terrible day. Similar to BTS, other Korean artists including EXO, Psy, BLACKPINK, TWICE, and Korean dramas and films have contributed to the globalization of Korean cultural content; which is known as ‘Hallyu’. It is quite remarkable how much Hallyu contributes to South Korea's economy and soft power given that it has become a worldwide phenomenon. Hallyu Hallyu or Korean Wave ref


  I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's true: skin care is not just for women! Whether you're male or female, young or old, everyone needs to take care of their skin. I used to believe that skin care was only for women. But after talking to many of my friends who are men and reading about their experiences with skin problems, it seems like there are more issues than just women. So here's a little bit of advice for the everyone out there.                         ‌ 1. LEARNING TO LOVE YOUR SKIN:   You may have heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what about self-love? There's no doubt that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while others have to work hard for what they want. But there's one thing we all have in common: we are all beautiful people. 2.  KEEPING A ROUTINE :   A routine is a set of habits that you repeat regularly. It can be as simple as taking the same route to work every day, or using the same shampoo