How Important Is Self Defense For Women?

Self-defense is the use of force to counter an immediate threat of brutality; an act of defending oneself. As we live in a society, we must have the liberty to live safe and sound. The chance to fulfill such needs are everyone's rights. The use of physical force to counter a personal attack or an attack of violence can be classified in two ways – armed and unarmed. But even though the world is moving forwards, barbaric behavior
is not something that has completely gone six feet under. The possibility of getting molested and harmed is immense. The United Nations passed the "Charter of Human rights" on 10 December 1948, approving rights for people all over the world. But the way women are mistreated in the streets, or even in their own house, does this still pass? Or this rule does not apply for women kind?

The first rule of self-defense is avoidance. A person should avoid placing herself in a situation so that the attack can be avoided. Nowadays, self defense has become a necessity for women. A lot of negativity is in our society, and this can leave women feeling unprotected. Learning Self defense will build confidence. Self defense will make us women aware of our surroundings. We’re never planning to be attacked, but our attacker is the one with the plan. Self defense will help us to be aware at all times and ready if such situations arise.

WHO(World Health Organization) estimated in a study that about 1 in 3 of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical or sexual violence, and this number is on an outrageous level. (Stats taken from:,sexual%20violence%20in%20their%20lifetime) And the worst part about this is that a huge percentage of such cases go unreported even though the official reports are already in vast numbers. And hence, learning self defense is really that important and should not be considered as a side-hobby but rather a fundamental activity of life. 

In recent times, even children are not safe. As a matter of fact, parents should consider teaching them and admitting them in self defense classes to prepare them to face the real world.

There are no rules in a street or alley attack. Anything can be used to defend oneself for eg. hand, handbag, keychain or any implement that can inflict some damage. Carrying weapons can be a great self-defense tactic without having much requirement for physical training, as being able to use the weapon would suffice.

Lately, learning self defense has helped women quite a lot from being harmed. Many women save themselves in the daily who walk alone. Learning self defense will not only come in handy when there's a possibility of being attacked but it will boost self confidence to another level.

Here's a link where a woman saved herself and her property with the use of self defense: 


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