

Every particle in this world wants to live in equilibrium with each other.  Again, the chemical reactions want to be in equilibrium.  So everything has a natural law and this natural law is to remain in equilibrium.  So in the case of humans, it is certainly the natural order to be in equilibrium and we consider it to be natural and peaceful.  But what do we humans do?  What do we actually mean by equilibrium?  Let us talk about some examples.  What should be done to bring balance between a weak person and another powerful person?  The weak man should be given a little more power.  Only then will the balance come.  But what people normally do is they give more power to the powerful and put down the weaker as much as possible.  Is it really a equilibrium? A teacher always appreciate the first boy of a class but actually who needs support ?  The weak one I guess, the weak students should need more support. But maximum times, we see that the weak students are shy, introvert. But the strongest one gets more and more support from teachers, classmates. But is it equilibrium? So there is a problem in equilibrium in our society.  We all think about inequality in men and women. But I think this problem is in more root. Everyone has different talent so everyone deserves appreciation but these situations make weak people weaker. They will be mentally unfit and an interesting fact is no one will care about your mental illness but it is the root of all problems. Besides, we have a solution obviously. If we can change our mentality then it will be solved only. We need to give support the weak and introvert people and specially those who are feeling shy. Otherwise, equilibrium will be always exists in our book and practical labs.


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