Animal Abuse - When Cruelty is Reality

"Animals will have to assume that humans don't think, as long as humans think that animals don't feel."

Animal abuse is mistreating animals with cruelty or violence. Animals get abused in so many ways daily. Such as accidents, physical violence, not helping them with food, neglect, shooting, mutilation, throwing, stabbing, etc. Animals are as important as humans in this world. They add so many beneficial works in the world, which is also very important for human beings. They also can be our forever best friends. Animals can give us company like nobody else. There are so many people who love animals but there are some people who used to mistreat animals for no reason. Sometimes they intentionally harm or kill animals. Some also hurt them for their own benefit like earning money. But there is so much unintentional and intentional harm also caused by human beings to animals.

Killing or Injuring Animals by Accidents:

Around 10 Million animals get killed or injured by road accidents in a year all over the world. People used to rush driving on roads which causes this kind of cruelty daily. Some drivers also drink and drive on the roads as a result they tend to hit

the animals and make them injure or kill them totally. Stray and wild animals are the main victims of this case. Every year a large number of Cats, Dogs, Tigers, Lions, Dear, Zebra, Birds, Elephants, and so on kind of animals die due to road accidents. Small-sized animals get into more accidents than others. In a survey of India Chakraborty (2019)  over 1 thousand stray animals were harmed in only 4 months because of road accidents. People do not even stop to help those victim animals. They do not think they are valuable and so important in our daily life. As a result, they die in pain after being hit by a vehicle without getting any help. 10th October is Animal road accident awareness dayAlthough this day is specifically Animal Road Accident Awareness Day, we need to focus on this issue every day so that we can save more lives. There are so many ways in which we can save animals, and so many NGOs are already working on these cases. we can take and follow the instruction from them. Such as - sprayed with reflective paint to make animals visible to drivers at the night.

Intentional Physical Abuse:

Some people intentionally harm animals without any reason. I myself saw this kind of incident- Firstly, a cat was sitting by the sidewalk a man came and started hitting that cat without any reason with a stick. Secondly, a restaurant worker sprinkled some hot oil on a dog just because the dog tried to find some food. Lastly, a woman poured some hot boiling water on a dog just because he was taking a nap beside her home which caused a serious burn on the neck of the dog. Some people captive animals by force to sell them. For this reason, they do not get enough comfortable space. 

They also do not get enough food to survive. Some people also put puppies and kittens in plastic bags and throw them away in a dustbin or water. The animals whose abuse is most often reported are dogs, cats, horses, and livestock. Wild animals are not safe from physical abuse also, people kill animals for making leather, and they harm or sometimes kill Elephants and Rhinos to take their ivory and horn. Some animals also get raped by humans it is a heartbroken truth. There are 80 cases of animal rape in India in 10 years. Children who are abused by family members get traumatized and they tend to hit animals to control their anger. Adults also hit animals to their anger issues.


During New year, any kind of festival, or other celebration people likes to use firecrackers. Although it looks beautiful to us, it is a nightmare for the animals. They get scared by the sound of firecrackers. Some lose their body parts, eyesight, or hearing sight for this. For this reason, they suffer a long time to recover. Some also die due to a heart attack from the loud sound. The main victim of these cases are birds, cats, and dogs. Also, the home pets get very terrified by the sounds. We should stay by their side during the firecrackers situation. People need to know about this problem and stop using firecrackers to help these lovely creatures. Some animals get lost forever and never find their home.

Real-Life Heroes:

There are some people and NGOs who work for animals. But Animals are actual heroes. There is so many news, that shows some animals saving humans' life. And there are so many good-hearted people also who love animals and try to save them. They help the street animals, supply them with food, Cure them when they need it, and get them vaccinated. Some even save animals from danger. They are our actual Heroes. We also should work for saving animals.

"Your education of humanity is shown by animal protection."


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